Android 4.3 Making its way to HTC Evo 4G LTE, With Sense 5
It was announced that by the end of last year (2013) The Evo 4G LTE was going to get the 4.3 Android Update, along with Sense 5 at the end of the year. That never did happen did it? Well the project has been pushed further to February, unsure of the release date, but we all know this will be nice to see. The Evo 4G LTE was probably though to be one of the forgotten devices, but I'm sure a lot of people are wondering why they don't just put 4.4.2 Kitkat on here now instead of Jellybean? That would make more sense wouldn't it? The official announcement was made by Jason Mackenzie on Twitter stating to expect 4.3 and Sense 5 on the HTC Evo by the end of the year. This will be nice to see this device get this update, Remember no man left behind when it comes to Android! And if you don't like Sense 5, or HTC's rom, or want to get 4.4.2 Kitkat on this phone and bypass HTC Roms all together, go ahead and head on over to to see what all the hype is about, Kitkat will be CM11 on the download page, as the Phone's code name is "Jewel".
Hopefully this brightens the day for some of you HTC Evo 4G LTE users!
Signing off!
Android Guru Guy; Dayton Thomas.
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