Android 4.4 Kitkat Update Now on Nook
If you're a tech savvy mofo like me, you know that deep under that stupid looking GUI that nook has on, is a birthday suit called ANDROID.
Nook has now released the Kitkat Update for Nook, it took them LONG ENOUGH! I guess they had to dress it all up to look pretty, BUT SERIOUSLY IT MAKES YOU LOOK FAT.
In my own opinion, any GUI Overlay on Android makes it look purely STUPID, and purely SLOW as a cow, walking to grandma's Christmas party. Unless of course you're the MIUI ROM Developers, then you can get away with it because that rom is off the hook for real. Why can't Nook and Kindle, and anyone else trying to make a silly wack lookin GUI learn from them huh?
In my own opinion, any GUI Overlay on Android makes it look purely STUPID, and purely SLOW as a cow, walking to grandma's Christmas party. Unless of course you're the MIUI ROM Developers, then you can get away with it because that rom is off the hook for real. Why can't Nook and Kindle, and anyone else trying to make a silly wack lookin GUI learn from them huh?
When I worked at Walmart I sold all the nooks half priced, because I knew the customer was getting ripped off to begin with, and deep down so did they. Actually it was half priced to begin with, I just like to tell myself that because it's the silliest looking Android tablet there is known to man. I understand you want to read eBooks on it, but seriously I couldn't concentrated trying to read Hop on Pop with that thing.
What do you want though? Android 4.5 will be here soon, and I'm sure they'll skip that one, BUT BRAVO, Congratulations on your Kitkat update Nook, just try to release something more pure, because overlays are slow as heck, man.
Angry Android Guru Guy; Dayton Thomas
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