Android "L" or Lollipop, also known as 5.0 is coming soon, well that means an all new Sense is on its way too of course!
If you look at the above images you can definitely see how influenced Sense 7 is by Android L.
Android 5, L is basically all themed on flat, but vibrant colors. This teal is one color option, but it's very nicely displayed by HTC Sense 7.
I'm for sure the HTC One M8, as well as a lot of other HTC devices will be getting this Sense 7 update in the nearing future.
There is also talk on a All new HTC Desire coming soon, will it be shipped stock with Sense 7, Android 5, L?
I guess its a waiting game for HTC Fanboys.
HTC has been on their game here lately with the slickness, and beauty of devices. I got a chance to play around with the HTC One M8 a little bit, and have to say I liked it very much, then the iPhone 6 came out, and I wondered if they were trying to copy some of the style? Get your own style; Apple!
The only thing I dislike about HTC devices is how hard it is to repair them, you literally have to buy new parts of your phone to replace just the screen, such as the front panels over the speakers/camera and such. I really hope to see better repairable devices by HTC in the near future.
HTC Sense 7 so far has a beautiful look to it, Can't wait for Android 5, L to come out! I hope to put it on my Galaxy S4!
Well; Thats all I had to share about HTC Sense 7 today!
I hope you enjoy my blog! Stay tuned, please!
AndroidGuruGuy; Signing off
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