An Idea Carriers Should Use An Idea Carriers Should Use An Idea Carriers Should Use: So recently this idea came to me, when I was having a bad weather alert in my area concerning tornadoes, Our phones weren't putting out near enough Cellular Broadcasts, and we use mostly Samsung Galaxy devices in my household, but our city has disabled Sirens completely and we rely on the broadcasts now. I remembered back, when I had the Moto X 1st Gen, it would give me cellular broadcasts left and right, and 99% of the time through bad weather, and was LOUD! Older people really need devices like this. I though about this.. What if carriers customers could purchase the older flagship phones, at a huge discount even if they're refurbished? This would help the carrier make money, and not scare so many customers out of a contract. I know that these carriers have so much money and so many customers that it probably will not even matter because they are giant, but at least be like ...
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