What is Android?
Android is a Free Open Source Operating system, mostly seen on mobile devices these days such as smart phones, tablets, and is the base Operating system behind the Kindle fire, & Nook Color.
It is safe to say Android is built upon Linux. When you hear of "Linux" you think of Ubuntu immediately if you're a novice, or "noob" with the Linux operating system. Well though Ubuntu is built upon Linux, and is commonly used on any machine using it, but it isn't what linux is.
Linux is basically a terminal/operating system like you would say DOS is.
Linux is basically a Unix clone, which is what Mac OS X is built upon.
Linux is free, and if you ever payed for it, demand a refund, but don't get yourself in danger over it! (lol)
So from this, we know Linux is just basically the background software, which runs all the commands it needs to, to give you a functioning GUI (Graphical User Interface) for easier ways to use it!
Linux Terminal, or TTY can be used by being in any linux operating system and just using ALT+F2, Which will take you to the terminal, so you can use Linux like its the 80's all over again, but don't get that confused, Linux was made in early 90's, in 1991 to be exact.
You cannot get this feature on Android, unless you are rooted, and run Terminal Emulator app.
Android is just like any desktop linux, but instead it starts up a launcher over terminal so you never actually see it.
If you actually like Android, You might just give Linux a try on your home desktop/laptop!
Dayton AKA The Android Guru Guy
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